Sunday, 22 July 2012

The burning platform

In the process of my physical transformation which I had previously shared a couple of days ago, I realized that my experiences with Lean Six Sigma can be utilized to achieve my desired goal to loose at least 12kgs of excess weight. Thus, this is how I used Six Sigma Methodology DMAIC for my transformation.

DMAIC stands for Define , Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control.
In the Define phase, I need to identify my burning platform. Only through identifying my Big "Why" will I then have the motivation and determination to loose weight.
This is the most important first step before the other phases can be passed. Many people know how to loose weight but not many people are willing to do the two simple and basic practice which is eat less unhealthy food and exercise more. My main motivation to loose weight has to do with being able to stay alive long enough to see my grandchildren. Just for your information, in case you do not know me, my eldest child is turning 8 this Aug, and my youngest had turned 5 in Feb. You might say it's crazy, but I can assure you it's possible to live long and healthy life before we return to our maker.

Once I had defined my burning platform, I would need to identify my current reality to see how big is the gap from my desired goal. Thus, this brought me to the Measure phase. Taking the measurement of my weight is not just merely steping into the weighing machine. I was fortunate to find out my measurement through a Healthy Risk Analysis scan.
OMG, I found out that I was obese and I had been in denial for the past 3 years by wearing maternity clothes that are comfortable and loose around the waist although I am not even pregnant. Therefore, it's important to get the baseline of your current reality. What's Get Measured , Gets Improved!
Passing through the Measure phase was a hard pill to swallow. Nevertheless, it's important to know my numbers. The next phase is to Analyze what are the real root cause of the problem. It was easy for me since it is obvious, our body is like a machine, we need energy from food to fuel us to function. However, my biggest breakthrough was my realization that I had been treating my body as a dumping ground for unfinished food from my kids and my expectation to my maid to cook for an extra person in case they dropped by... which no one does. So I ended up cleaning up the plates being the last person to return late from work.... there another potential root cause...eating late.

I thought I had gone through the most difficult phase, digging up the root causes...until I looked at the multitude of choices in weight management programs. I had begun the battle of the titans since 2001, where I desperately needed to loose the extra kgs so I can look good naked... I spent over SGD12,000 over a period of 2 years with personal trainer from a branded fitness centre where H&M now stands. I had even invested large amount of cash on meal replacement shakes with an American company where the result was promising at first but the catch was even with maintenance for over 3 years my weight still came back.
Then the fateful day in June 2011, where I met my angel, he showed me the one and only patented weight management program that has multifaceted approach. I signed up immediately with some doubts lingering at the back of my fat head. The Improve phase is about the exploration of the various solutions that can help me solve my problem. There are many many choices, but which one is the most effective and efficient as well as value for money wins the war. 

Entering the most revealing of all phase, the Control phase will requires execution of the selected solutions. THis is where, monitoring and progressive follow up to ensure the implementation of program are maintained with integrity. Often people fail in their attempt to loose weight due to sheer lack of determination and excuses. My personal experience in this phase was not as difficult  as I thought it would be. As I kept reminding myself, I am paying for this, so I better get the best results I could squeeze out of it. After the 3 months program, I am glad to share that I not only lost 8 kgs, I had continued to loose in total 16kgs in the past 10 months as well as 16cm from my waist. Very important lesson I had learnt through this DMAIC weight loss journey is the sustainability to ensure no rebound in weight.
Reference to my ACT approach, A for my Attitude towards what I consume had changed, through coaching and attending public awareness training I had developed healthy eating habits. C for Culture, my family meals are now being prepared with the ends in mind. I want to ensure my kids grow up healthy adults , processed food are significantly reduced. T for Transformation,  it is possible to achieve a physical transformation as transformation is also a process.   

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